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What is a Best Practice?

To us, "best practices" are documented strategies and tactics employed by highly admired companies. These companies are not "best-in-class" in every area - such a company does not exist. But due to the nature of competition and their drive for excellence, the profiled practices have been implemented and honed to help place their practitioners as the most admired, the most profitable, and the keenest competitors in business.

bpcollection.gif (2295 bytes)We gather this information from a variety of sources. For the most part, this information is based on interviews, surveys, and other mechanisms of "primary" research-- information that is simply not available in the public sector. Other sources include secondary research -- books, magazines, libraries, Internet, and other public-domain resources. Unlike other resources that simply rehash or republish releases and articles, we analyze and synthesize our primary and secondary research into world-class insights and practices yielding much greater value than the sum of the research parts.

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