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MAY 2019 Research Alert

This month we added five new studies to the Best Practice Database, the research repository for Best Practices, LLC. This month's new studies involve three areas: Medical Affairs Role in Medical Device Launches, Combination Product Development, and Funding US Fellowships. The three studies involving Medical Affairs Role in Medical Device Launches examine multiple aspects of how device organizations are expanding the launch role of Medical Affairs; one of the studies deals with launch activities and training, the second study focuses on alignment with launch teams and call center support and the third Medical Affairs study is focused on staffing and investment. Meanwhile, the Combination Product Development study focuses on the effective utilization of patient usability insights. The final study on Funding US Fellowships looks at the funding and administration of pharma grants to support post-graduate education.

The new Best Practices, LLC studies listed below under Newly Added Research explore how leading companies have made their operations more effective across these different areas.

Download: How Medical Affairs Can Drive a Successful Medical Device Product Launch: High-Impact Launch Activities, Education & Training Programs (5555)

Best Practices, LLC undertook this benchmarking research to identify what Medical Affairs activities and education/training programs help drive successful medical device product launches.

Download: How Medical Affairs Can Drive a Successful Medical Device Product Launch: Launch Team Alignment & Call Center Support (5556)

This study provides Medical Affairs executives with insights into how launch team alignment, cross-functional collaborations, and call centers can provide high-value support for the launch of device products. It also identifies the top pitfalls and lessons learned while launching new medical device products.

Download: How Medical Affairs can drive a Successful Medical Device Product Launch: Staffing, Investment and Role of Clinical Specialists (5559)

Without adequate funding and staffing, the Medical Affairs function is challenged to effectively execute all the different activities it is involved within a new device launch. Best Practices, LLC undertook this benchmarking research to deliver current staffing and investment metrics for Medical Affairs roles involved in launch.

Download: Innovation in Combo Product Clinical Development: Harnessing Patient Insight from Reported Usability Outcomes (5557)

This study will help forward-looking companies learn how other organizations are successfully collecting patient feedback during major clinical trials for combo products and leveraging this data to ensure that patients stay adherent and face minimal obstacles while receiving treatment.

Download: Best Practices in Funding US Fellowships: Using Pharma Grants Effectively to Support Post-Graduate Education (5558)

Best Practices, LLC conducted this short study to gather insights on current practices around the funding and administration of pharma fellowship grants to support post-graduate medical education in the United States.