Key Findings
The following are select key findings from the report executive summary. Additional findings are available in the full document.
Multiple Sources are Vital to Effective CI
• Triangulate from multiple data sources to develop the most accurate projections.
• People, Processes and Use of Third Party Vendors are Keys to Optimizing Data Collection
• Hire the right people, utilize advanced Internet search techniques, collect and review data over time to distill relevant, actionable information.
• Talk with employees across functions inside your company to discover information gaps.
Hold Vendors to Strict Standards
• Gain experience with and knowledge of third-party research vendors.
CI Guidelines Enable Success
• Work collaboratively with Legal to protect the company and to obtain Legal’s buy-in and support.
• Involve upper management to prove the value to the company of conducting CI.
Manage Internal Expectations Up Front
• CI must help educate the employees who make inappropriate or unobtainable requests for information.
• Management must stand behind CI to protect the company and ensure the long-term success of the CI function.
CI Executives Advise Emerging CI Functions to Evolve
• Link CI to the financial perspective to gain clout in the company.