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Engaging Patients across Medical Affairs Activities and Functions

ID: POP-351


21 Info Graphics

44 Data Graphics

1040+ Metrics

15 Narratives

Pages: 75

Published: 2022

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With patients playing an active role in the decision-making process, biopharma organizations are leveraging their Medical Affairs groups to effectively engage with patients and/or patient advocacy groups. And as a key conduit between pharma and patients, Medical Affairs groups are well-positioned to understand and represent the patient voice at the company. This effort broadens Medical’s role beyond its traditional focus on HCPs to include capturing patient voice to help develop products that will address patients’ needs.

Best Practices, LLC undertook this benchmarking research to understand Medical Affairs’ role in patient engagement. The report specifically examines early-stage and late-stage patient support strategies, roles and responsibilities, and internal and external collaboration for patient engagement. This report also highlights critical lessons learned and pitfalls encountered in capturing and representing the patient voice through Medical Affairs.

Medical Affairs leaders can use to this report to expand impact and amplify the patient voice within the biopharma organization.

Industries Profiled:
Pharmaceutical; Biotech; Biopharmaceutical; Medical Device; Manufacturing; Consumer Products; Diagnostic; Health Care; Service; Consulting; Communications; Clinical Research; Laboratories

Companies Profiled:
AbbVie; Adaptimmune; Alexion Pharmaceuticals; ASC Therapeutics; Astellas; Baxter International; Bayer; bioMerieux; Boehringer Ingelheim; Boston Scientific; Chiesi; Daiichi Sankyo; Eisai; EVERSANA; Kyowa Kirin; MEDiSTRAVA; Merck; Merck Sharp & Dohme; NexGen Healthcare; Sanofi; Servier; Supernus; Takeda Pharmaceuticals; Teleflex; The Medicine Group; United Therapeutics

Study Snapshot

Best Practices, LLC engaged 27 Medical leaders from 26 pharma and biotech companies in this research through a benchmarking survey. Deep-dive interviews were conducted with selected study participants to provide further insights. Data in this report are segmented by respondents’ description of their medical team’s effectiveness with patient engagement – highly effective vs. less effective.

Key topics covered in this report include:

  • Medical Affairs and Patient Engagement - An Overview
  • Representing the Patient Voice
  • Strategies for Early-Stage and Late-Stage Patient Support
  • Medical Affairs’ Roles and Responsibilities in Patient Engagement
  • Medical Affairs Internal and External Collaboration for Patient Engagement
  • Lessons Learned and Pitfalls

Key Findings

Select key insights uncovered from this report are noted below. Detailed findings are available in the full report.

  • Patient Engagement: While medical groups are active at patient engagement across product phases, groups identified as effective at engaging patients are more active during clinical trials (67% vs. 47%).
  • Collecting Patient Voice: Outcomes data and partnering with treatment teams are considered effective by Medical Affairs groups for collecting patient voice during the early launch phases.

Table of Contents

Sr. No.
Slide No.
Research Overview, Methodology & Participating CompaniesPg. 3
Executive SummaryPg. 4-8
Engagement OverviewPg. 9-14
Strategies to Reflect Patient VoicePg. 15-23
Early and Late-Stage Patient Support StrategiesPg. 24-33
Roles and ResponsibilitiesPg. 34-55
Internal and External CollaborationPg. 56-70
Participant DemographicsPg. 71-74
About Best Practices, LLCPg. 75

    List of Charts & Exhibits

    I. Engagement Overview

    • Maturity curve: Evolution of patient engagement in Medical Affairs
    • Narrative on what makes medical team’s patient engagement efforts effective
    • Narrative on how pharma advocacy groups represent the voice of the patient
    • Narrative on how Medical Affairs can improve the effectiveness of a patient engagement program
    • Product phases at which Medical Affairs groups are active in patient engagement

    II. Strategies to Reflect Patient Voice

    • Placing patient priorities in the center of medical activities
    • Effectiveness of Medical Affairs groups at representing patient voice
    • Narrative on what medical needs to do to make patient role effective
    • Highly effective tools and strategies used by Medical Affairs groups to collect patient voice during the pre-launch and launch phase
    • Narrative on how structure of patient advocacy group can affect its effectiveness
    • Effective tools and strategies used by Medical Affairs organizations to collect insights regarding the voice of the patients during the pre-launch phase
    • Effective tools and strategies used by Medical Affairs organizations to collect insights regarding the voice of the patients during the early launch phase
    • Effective tools and strategies used by Medical Affairs organizations to collect insights regarding the voice of the patients during the pre-launch and launch phase - Medical groups highly effective at representing patient voice vs. Medical groups less effective at representing patient voice

    III. Early and Late-Stage Patient Support Strategies

    • Highly effective and most-used strategies for early-stage and late-stage patient support
    • Effective approaches in supporting patients at the early stage of their disease
    • Narrative on the best time to capture patient voice
    • Effective approaches in supporting patients at the late-stage of their disease
    • Narrative on Medical Affairs’ direct involvement with patient advocacy groups
    • Strategies for early-stage and late-stage patient support - Medical groups highly effective at representing patient voice vs. Medical groups less effective at representing patient voice
    • Narrative on working closely with patient advocacy groups
    • Medical Affairs group’s working relationship with patient advocacy groups
    • Medical Affairs group’s working relationship with patient advocacy groups - Medical groups highly effective at representing patient voice vs. Medical groups less effective at representing patient voice

    IV. Roles and Responsibilities

    • Narrative around SOPs defining roles and responsibilities
    • Medical Affairs’ role with the different patient engagement programs
    • Medical Affairs’ role with the different patient engagement programs - Medical groups highly effective at representing patient voice vs. Medical groups less effective at representing patient voice
    • Most effective patient education activities led by Medical Affairs
    • Medical Affairs organization’s role with different patient education activities
    • Effective activities in building a successful patient education program within the Medical Affairs group
    • Effective activities in building a successful patient education program within the Medical Affairs group - Medical groups highly effective at representing patient voice vs. Medical groups less effective at representing patient voice
    • Most effective patient advocacy activities led by Medical Affairs
    • Medical Affairs organization’s role with different patient advocacy activities
    • Effective activities in building a successful patient advocacy program within the Medical Affairs group
    • Narrative on aligning organizational goals with patient advocacy group goals
    • Effective activities in building a successful patient advocacy program within the Medical Affairs group - Medical groups highly effective at representing patient voice vs. Medical groups less effective at representing patient voice
    • Most effective patient medication adherence activities led by Medical Affairs
    • Medical Affairs organization’s role with different patient medication adherence activities
    • Effective activities in building a successful patient medication adherence program within the Medical Affairs group
    • Most effective patient health outcomes activities led by Medical Affairs
    • Narrative around collaboration between medical group and patient health outcomes programs
    • Medical Affairs organization’s role with different patient health outcomes activities
    • Effective activities in building a successful patient health outcomes program within the Medical Affairs group
    • Narrative around ways to better communicate with patients
    • Effective activities in building a successful patient health outcomes program within the Medical Affairs group - Medical groups highly effective at representing patient voice vs. Medical groups less effective at representing patient voice

    V. Internal and External Collaboration

    • Effectiveness of collaboration between Medical Affairs and internal groups on different patient engagement tasks
    • Effectiveness of collaboration between Medical Affairs and internal groups on different patient engagement tasks - Medical groups highly effective at representing patient voice vs. Medical groups less effective at representing patient voice
    • Narrative on representing the patient voice across activities
    • Effectiveness of collaboration between Medical Affairs and external partners on different patient engagement activities
    • Effectiveness of collaboration between Medical Affairs and external partners on different patient engagement activities - Medical groups highly effective at representing patient voice vs. Medical groups less effective at representing patient voice
    • Involvement level of each of the Medical Affairs sub-functions in patient engagement activities
    • Involvement level of each of the Medical Affairs sub-functions in patient engagement activities - Medical groups highly effective at representing patient voice vs. Medical groups less effective at representing patient voice
    • Key internal and external collaborators for Medical Affairs groups on different patient engagement activities
    • Frequency of Medical Affairs’ collaboration with internal groups on patient engagement activities
    • Frequency of Medical Affairs’ collaboration with external groups on patient engagement activities
    • Frequency of Medical Affairs’ collaboration with internal groups on patient engagement activities – Highly effective groups vs. less effective groups
    • Frequency of Medical Affairs’ collaboration with external groups on patient engagement activities – Highly effective groups vs. less effective groups
    • Critical lessons learned about representing the patient voice through the Medical Affairs organization
    • Critical pitfalls or stumbling blocks encountered in capturing and representing the patient voice in Medical Affairs

    VI. Participant Demographics

    • Geographic span of participating Medical Affairs group involved in patient engagement activities
    • Therapeutic areas represented in this research
    • Product phases in which benchmark Medical Affairs organizations have experience with performing patient engagement