The Best Practices LLC research team examined customer satisfaction and retention through differentiated service levels for a major U.S. wireless provider. The research examined how forty companies ensure satisfaction of their high-value customers.
Areas of focus included customer segmentation, acquisition and retention strategies, and needs prioritization. The study also analyzed how to cross-sell products and services to satisfy customer needs and increase retention by setting a higher "switching" cost.
Participants in the study included Citigroup, Fidelity, American Express, AT&T Wireless, Qwest Communications, Verizon, Microsoft, GE, MBNA, Federal Express, and Motorola.
Managing World-Class Call Centers
The Best Practices LLC research team studied the best practices of 19 call centers in six industries for a major media company. Areas of focus included process design and management, human resources, measurement, customer service loyalty, and leadership and communication. The team also made two call center site visits to better understand how best-in-class companies provide excellent customer service.
Participants in the study included American Express, Federal Express, LL Bean, Saturn, State Farm, Toyota/Lexus, and T. Rowe Price.
The Best Practices LLC research team examined how organizations leverage the Internet to integrate service delivery across multiple channels. This new, highly efficient approach to service transforms call centers, help desks and online initiatives into integrated service centers that:
- Increase service levels.
- Reduce service costs.
- Shrink customer response times.
The ability to offer seamless, fast and personalized service allows leading companies to translate customer loyalty into long-term, highly profitable customer relationships.
Project findings were harvested from field research that included extensive interviews with web masters, Internet managers, executives and strategists, extensive web reviews, data analysis and Internet strategy research scans covering more than 100 companies.
Participants in the study included Cisco Systems, Oracle, Aventis, Bell Canada, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Xerox, and Department of Veterans Affairs.