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Manufacturing - Research & Consulting


Over the past few years, quality improvement initiatives have revolutionized the manufacturing industry. To optimize performance and improve market position, leading companies leverage the effective deployment of process excellence tools such as Lean and Six Sigma in core manufacturing processes. Best Practice companies are expanding beyond supply chain to include health and safety, new product development, and many other related areas. With tighter budgets and higher performance demands, manufacturing organizations are increasingly relying on process improvement to achieve their business performance goals.

According to Best Practices, LLC’s research, for every 1000 company FTEs, benchmarked companies average 24 FTEs in their quality organization. In fact, companies' savings from their largest-impact quality project for the supply chain range from $10,000 to $50 million, with an average savings of $5 million. One Fortune 500 Company projects as many as $1 billion in savings from transforming its supply chain. With such a solid link to the bottom-line, process excellence initiatives have the potential to provide companies with a significant competitive edge in the marketplace.

Our Role in Driving Manufacturing Excellence

Best Practices, LLC assists companies achieve top-notch performance by employing best practice research, benchmarking, and assessments to compare their operations with those of world-class organizations. We address all areas of manufacturing, including:

  • Manufacturing operations
  • Manufacturing technology
  • Supply chain
  • Remanufacturing operations
  • Health & safety operations
  • Research & development
  • Product development
  • Facilities services

Christopher Bogan

Christopher Bogan

President and CEO

Chris has 26 years of experience in helping U.S. companies bring new biopharmaceutical products to market. Over that time, he has helped dozens of new brands launch assets totaling hundreds of billions of dollars.

Phone: (919)-767-9228

  • Featured Research

Optimizing Manufacturing Operations: Structuring for Success

Analyze key manufacturing structure and management issues, including: structuring management, empowering employees, reducing turnover, staffing for fluctuations and managing change. This Best Practices Benchmarking® Report analyzes key manufacturing structure and management issues, including: structuring management, empowering employees, reducing turnover, staffing for fluctuations and managing change. After reading this report, you will be able to compare your company’s manufacturing operations and management structure against those of the benchmark class, spot areas for improvement, and utilize the best practices in this report to develop a plan of action to implement performance-enhancing initiatives. By studying these companies' operations, your organization can gain a deeper understanding of how leading companies manage manufacturing structure and performance issues. (ID OP-82)

Remanufacturing Operations: Managing Resources and Structure to Streamline Processes

Compare your company’s remanufacturing operations and management structure against those of the benchmark class, spot areas for improvement, and utilize the best practices in this report to develop a plan of action to implement performance-enhancing initiatives. This Best Practices Benchmarking® Report analyzes key remanufacturing processes and management issues, including: management structure and departmental organization, developing front-line supervisors, and tracking value-added measurements. After reading this report, you will be able to compare your company’s remanufacturing operations and management structure against those of the benchmark class, spot areas for improvement, and utilize the best practices in this report to develop a plan of action to implement performance-enhancing initiatives. By studying these companies, your organization can gain a deeper understanding of how leading companies manage remanufacturing structure and performance. (ID OP-83)

Building Six Sigma Excellence: Case Study of General Electric

Study GE's Six Sigma Quality Assurance program to understand its design, implementation, training, career path planning, and measurement system. This Best Practices Benchmarking® Report provides a unique look at the Six Sigma quality initiative from an implementation perspective. The knowledge collected in this report helps organizations focus on the critical steps for designing and executing Six Sigma initiatives -- something that is often not addressed by the popular Six Sigma literature. (ID OP-72)

Supply Chain Management Best Practices

This report gives supply chain managers data and tools to enable their companies to maximize productivity and enhance their ability to compete. The report was generated from a survey of 27 selected companies recognized for supply chain leadership as well as from interviews with executives at five of those leading companies and online research on more than 100 additional organizations. (ID OP-87)

Driving Efficiency and Effectiveness in Health & Safety Organizations

Health & safety organizations that serve complex plant and field operations face increasingly difficult challenges to their mission. Economic conditions have caused budget cutbacks and diminished staffing resources for H&S support functions, even as senior management seeks to improve workplace injury rates and other safety related metrics that cause productivity losses. H&S managers seek to improve their structures, designation of roles and responsibilities and to craft training so that their operations delivery strong safety performance within tight budget restraints. This Best Practices Benchmarking Report provides H&S managers with specific examples, more than 180 metrics and recommendations on how to identify and close performance gaps not only to performance metrics but also to processes and best practices. (ID OP-96)

Lean, Six Sigma & TQM Project Success: Recent Case Studies and Benchmarks

Improve a process and generate more savings or revenue by learning how over 30 companies applied lean, six sigma and total quality management (TQM) methods and the results of these efforts. So you want to improve a process and generate more savings or revenue? This Best Practices Benchmarking Report offers a place to start by showcasing how over 30 companies applied lean, six sigma and total quality management (TQM) methods and the results of these efforts. In addition, the report contains over 20 slides illustrating and explaining results from a recent survey of 84 companies on recent projects using lean, six sigma and other productivity approaches. (ID OP-92)

Managing the Supply Chain: Communicating Value to Key Constituencies

Supply Chain organizations face the increasing difficulty to establish, deliver, and communicate business value to their internal and external customers. This benchmarking study examines order management, distribution center and revenue management processes and takes a comprehensive look on staffing efficiency, cost structures, value-maximizing management metrics and tactics to effectively communicate and deliver value.

Insights from this 48-page slide presentation will help executives to build cost efficient supply chain centers, drive customer growth and loyalty, maximize return on investment and effectively justify costs incurred to their internal customers.

Best Practices in Order Management

Improve your order-to-receipt process with tightly integrated order entry, processing, and forwarding. This Best Practices Benchmarking® Report examines the best practices in the area of order management. The class includes over 98 companies in 32 industries, several Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award winners, and many of the most profitable, highly competitive companies in the world today. (ID OP-69)

Best Practices in Supply Base Management

Making improvements in supplier selection and relationship management can be an advantage in today's competitive marketplace. Such improvements result in better products, reduced costs, stronger supplier partnerships and more efficient business processes.

This Best Practices Benchmarking® Report profiles various practices from more than 100 best-in-class companies. These organizations are leading the way in vendor selection, material selection, movement technology selection and implementation, and vendor relationship management and performance. (ID OP-70)

Optimizing Procurement Management: Structuring for Growth

Create more streamlined and responsive procurement operations to maintain a competitive advantage. For companies that wish to create more streamlined and responsive procurement operations to maintain competitive advantage, this study is the answer. The best practices in this study were developed after the review and analysis of 10 different companies in 7 industries. Among the many benefits reported, companies utilizing these best practices have reported first-year hard-dollar cost savings approaching $350 million, 97% increase in e-procurement spending to cut costs and 96% reduction in costs related to purchase-order processing. (ID OP-76)

Optimizing Facilities Services: Managing Staffing, Roles and Budgets

Predict space and amenities needs during times of corporate growth or contraction. This Best Practices Benchmarking® Report will help your facilities services organization better predict space and amenities needs during times of corporate growth or contraction. This study will also enable your facilities organization to improve internal customer satisfaction, leverage technology to achieve cost-savings, and compare budgeting and staffing levels against those of the benchmark class. (ID OP-77)

Optimizing Plant Operations and Maintenance Staffing, Roles and Budgets

Structure your plant operations and maintenance organization to support continued growth. This Best Practices Benchmarking® Report will help your operations and maintenance (also referred to as technical support or engineering services) organization parcel its various roles and responsibilities, staffing levels and budget requirements between corporate overseers and decentralized executors. This research will also enable you to compare your current staffing levels, budgets, roles and responsibilities, and performance measurements against those of leading operations and maintenance organizations. (ID OP-78)